Widow discovers long-lost family after stranger bought her grandad’s war medals online

Widow, 65, discovers long-lost family she never knew existed after stranger contacted her online to tell her he had purchased her grandfather’s WWI medals on eBay Jocelyn Trent, 65, had no idea grandfather Charles Sharman served in WWI   Widow was ‘delighted’ to discover members of her family she never knew about  Adam Simpson-York buys medals … Read more

Eighteen revellers are slapped with fines totalling nearly £15,000 after house party in Essex

Fines have been issued to people attending a gym, a hotel and a house party as police enforce new tougher coronavirus regulations for gatherings of over 15 people. Eighteen revellers were fined nearly £15,000 in total after holding a illegal house party in Essex that breached Covid lockdown rules on Saturday – as party-goers told Essex … Read more

Covid UK: Cases fall 29% in a week to 21,088 and deaths fall by 3.7%

Coronavirus cases and deaths fell again today on last week as the latest official figures suggest that the national lockdown is helping to suppress the virus.   Data from the Department of Health show that the UK recorded 21,088 daily Covid-19 cases today, down by 29.7 per cent from 30,004 cases last Sunday. The same figures … Read more

Matt Hancock tells Britons they can expect ‘a happy and free great British summer’ THIS YEAR

Britons will be able to enjoy a ‘great British summer’ this year thanks to the coronavirus vaccination programme, Matt Hancock claimed today.  The Health Secretary said he was confident that a high percentage of the UK population would have had their jab within the next six months, enabling a roll-back of restrictions that have been in … Read more

Labour claims expenses on first class travel, TV licences and HAND GEL, figures reveal

Labour’s Shadow Cabinet charged thousands in expenses during lockdown, billing taxpayers for first-class travel, rent, TV licences – and even hand gel.  Deputy leader Angela Rayner, who boasts of ‘standing up for working people’, claimed £30,952.98 including £1,600 on 23 first-class rail tickets between London and her Manchester constituency since March. Shadow Foreign Secretary Lisa Nandy … Read more

Britain’s Covid cases plunge for another day – down 31% in a week to 23,275

The UK’s Covid cases have plunged yet again after 23,275 people tested positive today – down 30.6 per cent on last Saturday. In a positive sign that England’s third national lockdown is working, 10,000 fewer people tested positive today compared to the 33,552 cases on this day last week. Today’s daily death toll has plummeted as well, as … Read more

Britain’s Covid cases plunge for another day – down 31% in a week to 23,275

The UK’s Covid cases have plunged yet again after 23,275 people tested positive today – down 30.6 per cent on last Saturday. In a positive sign that England’s third national lockdown is working, 10,000 fewer people tested positive today compared to the 33,552 cases on this day last week. Today’s daily death toll has plummeted as well, as … Read more

Rebel hairdresser Sinead Quinn is stopped from opening up

A rebel hairdresser has been stopped from opening up her salon today as shopkeepers across the country say they will break Covid rules to start trading again. Mother-of-two Sinead Quinn, the owner of Quinn Blakey Hairdressing, Oakenshaw, near Bradford, returned to her salon shortly before 12pm today and entered the building.   Ms Quinn revealed that she … Read more