20,000 pupils and staff in England will be given swab tests to see how Covid spreads in classroom

Up to 20,000 pupils and teachers across England will receive coronavirus testing to monitor the spread of the disease as schools reopen, the Health Secretary has said, as the Government is set to update the country on its wider schools strategy. With approval from parents and guardians, children will be tested to see whether they … Read more

Matt Hancock insists coronavirus in care homes is ‘coming under control’ as new task force unveiled

Matt Hancock insists coronavirus in care homes is ‘coming under control’ as he unveils a new task force to cut infects and expands testing to working age residents as well as the elderly Health Secretary said working age care home patients now eligible for testing  He also unveiled a new Covid-19 social care support taskforce … Read more

Protests dishonour the memory of George Floyd

A young female police officer was flung violently into traffic lights outside Downing Street on Saturday evening after a demonstrator hurled a missile at her horse. The animal bolted riderless down Whitehall, careering into a blameless woman protester and a lamppost. Groups of men hurled two ‘Boris bikes’ at police horses, startling the terrified animals. … Read more

How Number 10’s Covid weekend briefings lost 25 million viewers

How viewing figures for No10’s coronavirus briefings have wavered from record highs of 27.5m to lows of 2m viewers as ministers scrap Saturday and Sunday addresses The Government has held daily press briefings on Covid-19 since March 16 Boris Johnson’s both national addresses received around 25 million viewers  Last Sunday, just 2.21 million people tuned … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Fears NW and SW England to stay in lockdown

Could the North West and South West have to STAY in lockdown? Matt Hancock says country could have localised restrictions after data reveal the crucial R rate is ABOVE 1 in the areas Both regions have seen their crucial R rate rise above 1 in recent days It was confirmed by two separate studies by … Read more

How Boris Johnson’s approach to tackling the coronavirus crisis has been hit by blunders and rows

Boris Johnson is facing growing questions over the UK’s response to the coronavirus pandemic with Britain’s official death toll now approaching 40,000.   It is now 18 weeks since the first cases of coronavirus were confirmed in the UK on January 31. Since then the Government has been repeatedly rocked by rows and blunders as critics … Read more

Masks should be compulsory in shops, restaurants and pubs, says BMA

Compulsory face-covering measures should be introduced to ‘all areas’ where social distancing is not possible, the British Medical Association said today. Transport Secretary Grant Shapps announced last night that wearing a covering will be mandatory on public transport in England from June 15 – meaning commuters would be fined £80 for not wearing one. However, … Read more

NHS frontline doctor QUITS because Dominic Cummings did not resign

NHS frontline doctor QUITS a week after he threatened to hand in his notice if Dominic Cummings did not resign over his 260mile lockdown trip to Durham Dr Dominic Pimenta said Dominic Cummings ‘spits in the face’ of the NHS  Junior doctor threatened to resign if the Downing Street aide remained in his job Dr … Read more

Coronavirus England: Face masks compulsory on public transport

Face coverings are to be made compulsory on public transport from June 15 to help quell coronavirus, Grant Shapps announced tonight. The Transport Secretary unveiled the new rule for train, bus and Tube travel as he told the Downing Street briefing that makeshift masks can reduce the spread – following weeks of accusations that ministers were … Read more