Coronavirus UK: Socialising could be allowed from next month

Britons hoping to crack out the coals for a summer barbecue with friends and family could get the opportunity to as early as next month, it has today been revealed. Small outdoor gatherings, including barbecues and garden parties, which have been banned since the start of lockdown, could be the next measures to be eased, … Read more

BBQs and garden socialising with friends and family bubbles will get the green light next month

Britons hoping to crack out the coals for a summer barbecue with friends and family could get the opportunity to as early as next month, it has today been revealed. Small outdoor gatherings, including barbecues and garden parties, which have been banned since the start of lockdown, could be the next measures to be eased, … Read more

JAN MOIR: Dominic Cummings sounded practically human at first.

How apt that it was perfect barbecue weather when Dominic Cummings appeared in the Downing Street garden for his media grilling.  The senior government adviser had been marinating in a sauce of molten opprobrium since his illicit lockdown dash to Durham became public news.  He had also been highly seasoned by the chilli rage of … Read more

‘Domnishambles’: Tory MPs continue piling pressure on Downing Street to sack Dominic Cummings

Rebellious Conservative MPs are piling pressure on Downing Street to remove Dominic Cummings – after the controversial press conference over his 260-mile trip to Durham.  Mr Cummings, 48, faced an hour-long live television grilling tonight where he attempted to mount a defence of his decision to drive from London to County Durham with his son and Covid-carrying wife.   … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Shops to open on 15 June with strict rules

Boris Johnson attempted to bring the coronavirus-battered UK High Street back to life tonight as he gave the go-ahead for businesses to reopen – some within days.   Outdoor markets and car showrooms will be allowed to reopen from June 1 as long as they adhere to strict social distancing guidelines, the Prime Minister announced.  Speaking … Read more

Dominic Cummings ‘dressed like a GP’

Dominic Cummings hinted at humility outside Downing Street today while his discomfort level ‘increased at the mention of Barnard Castle’, a body language expert has revealed.  Judi James said the Prime Minister’s top aide appeared nervous and uncomfortable as he addressed the nation after facing calls to resign over accusations he ignored coronavirus rules.   Speaking at the Downing … Read more

Outdoor markets and car showrooms will reopen from June 1 with retailers following two weeks later

Boris unshutters Britain’s shops: Outdoor markets and car showrooms will reopen from June 1 with indoor retailers hopefully following two weeks later as deaths, cases and infections continue to fall By James Robinson for MailOnline Published: 19:18 BST, 25 May 2020 | Updated: 19:18 BST, 25 May 2020 Boris Johnson has tonight announced plans to … Read more

No10 tweets reminder that Britons should ‘keep 6ft apart from people you don’t live with’

No10 tweets reminder that Britons should ‘keep 6ft apart from people you don’t live with’… sparking explosion of memes, ridicule and fury online Government facing backlash after PM backed top aide for travelling in lockdown  Today No10 reminded people to keep distance following last night’s briefing  People responded by suggesting the rules do not apply … Read more

Doctor says he will QUIT if Dominic Cummings does not go

‘Dominic Cummings spits in the face of all our efforts, the whole NHS’: Doctor says he will QUIT if PM’s aide does not go as another medic says she wouldn’t have ‘dreamed of travelling the length of country to sort out some child care’ Top Downing Street aide facing backlash over travelling from London to … Read more

Potential green light for non-essential shops to reopen

Boris Johnson has suggested non-essential shops could soon reopen and family ‘bubbles’ be extended as he told Britons lockdown measures may be further eased this week.    Draconian measures put in place on March 23 to limit the spread of coronavirus were eased two weeks ago to allow households to meet one person from another in … Read more