People with diabetes have a higher risk of dying if they catch coronavirus

People with diabetes have a higher risk of dying if they catch coronavirus – this is due to an overproduction of immune cells in the lungs, a new study finds. Experts from Wuhan University found people with high blood glucose levels have a much greater chance of catching more severe strains of the deadly virus. … Read more

‘Highly skilled military surgeon’ tried to save a mounted soldier from a deadly EAR INFECTION

Archaeologists have unravelled the demise of a high-ranking warrior in Ancient Greece who underwent incredibly complex head and neck surgery 1,500 years ago. It is thought the male was a high-ranking Caballarius — a mounted archer or lancer — in the Grecian army whose life was ultimately ended by a fatal ear infection.   Detailed analysis … Read more

Einstein was right: Star orbiting the Milky Way’s supermassive black hole behaves as he predicted

A star orbiting the supermassive black hole at the heart of the Milky Way galaxy does so in a way that proves physicist Albert Einstein right – again. The star, called S2, orbits Sagittarius A* in a rosette shape, blipping out from the elliptical orbit at random points – an idea predicted by Einstein over … Read more

White flour is healthier now than it was in the 1800s thanks to cross-breeding

White flour is healthier now than in the 1800s thanks to genetic scientists developing new strains of wheat that are higher in fibre and other vital nutrients Researchers studied varieties of white flour that were grown from 1790 to 2012  They found modern varieties of flour are higher in dietary fibre and nutrients  The team say … Read more

Scientists uncover the purpose of the spring smell chemical geosmin

The smell of spring really IS in the air: Scientists reveal why the chemical behind the distinctive earthy scent of the season is produced A bacteria named streptomyces produces the chemical compound geosmin  This chemical has the distinctive odour we associate with springtime and storms Humans have a strong ability to detect this odour and … Read more

Study shows that cats get separation anxiety when we leave them alone just like dogs 

Cats aren’t as indifferent to owners as they seem: Study shows they get separation anxiety when we leave them alone just like dogs  Researchers surveyed 130 cat owners from Brazil about their furry friends One in ten cats were reported to exhibit problematic behaviours when left alone These included aggressiveness, depression and inappropriate defecation Anxiety … Read more

NASA scientists are having to operate the Curiosity rover on Mars from home

Scientists working from home due to coronavirus lockdown measures were able to operate the NASA Curiosity rover – which is 125 million miles away on Mars. The NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory team continue to explore red planet despite not being able to go into their California office or use high end workstations. Working on ordinary … Read more

Astronauts could wear a space glove fitted with a range-finding laser

ESA reveals a concept space glove for future astronauts that would allow them to control rovers with a flick of the wrist – and it also comes with a laser range-finder Concept glove was created to show the potential of future spacesuit material Includes an in-built laser range-finder for objects on the moon or other planets   Gesture … Read more

Apple reveals new £419 iPhone SE with 4.7-inch screen, Touch ID and Portrait Mode camera

Apple has unveiled a new version of its iPhone SE in the midst of the coronavirus crisis, giving customers access to many of the Phone 11’s high-end features for a fraction of the price. Like its predecessor, which launched in March 2016, the second-generation iPhone SE has a 4.7-inch screen and physical Home button with … Read more