Car infotainment systems and mobile phones keeping death rate on Britain’s roads unchanged, warn DfT

Car infotainment systems and mobile phones have contributed to a ‘plateauing’ of deaths and serious injuries on Britain’s roads, ministers have warned. Officials are alarmed that the rate of casualties has remained unchanged since 2010, despite significant improvements in the safety of vehicles. At the moment, five people die on the roads and 68 are seriously … Read more

Coronavirus Sweden: Government warns of autumn second wave

Sweden has ordered its health authorities to be prepared for a second wave of coronavirus cases this autumn.  The Nordic country says deaths and critical cases have come down despite its controversial decision to reject lockdown measures – but ministers warn that Sweden could be ‘flooded by a second wave of infections’ within months.  Sweden … Read more

Sweden’s PM orders public inquiry into handling of coronavirus amid criticism of its soft lockdown

Sweden’s Prime Minister orders a public inquiry into the country’s handling of coronavirus amid rising criticism of its soft lockdown as its death toll passes 5,000 – the fifth-highest in the world per capita More than 5,300 Swedes have died compared to around 250 in Norway, 600 in Denmark and 325 in Finland, all of … Read more

Princess Sofia of Sweden shares an adorable snap of her two sons enjoying the sun

Princess Sofia of Sweden shares an adorable snap of her two young sons enjoying the sunshine as she urges people to enjoy ‘fun and activity-filled’ staycations in their ‘beautiful country’ Princess Sofia of Sweden has shared an adorable photograph of her two sons  The royal, 35, hopes to promote her country as a great staycation … Read more

Tiny antibodies found in ALPACAS could help suppress a second wave of coronavirus

Tiny antibodies found in ALPACAS could help suppress a second wave of coronavirus and allow countries to safely lift lockdown, researchers claim Scientists in Sweden and South Africa have used ‘nanobodies’ from an alpaca The experts have claimed that their research ‘potently neutralises the virus’ The small antibody targets the spikes of the virus which … Read more

‘The world went crazy’ with lockdowns, says Sweden’s coronavirus expert

Sweden‘s top virus expert has said the ‘world went mad’ with coronavirus lockdowns which ‘fly in the face of what is known about handling virus pandemics’. Anders Tegnell, who advised Sweden to avoid full lockdown in favour of a ‘herd immunity’ strategy, said world leaders caved to political pressure amid panic – and that the … Read more