Coronavirus UK: Birmingham police shut 125 lockdown parties

Birmingham is illegal rave capital of UK as police shut down a staggering 125 lockdown parties during the weekend heatwave More than 600 revellers gathered in Aston, Birmingham, on Saturday night West Midlands Police branded behaviour ‘reckless’ and against lockdown rules  Police also issued closure order to the Holly Bush Pub over antisocial behaviour  By … Read more

Mother continued POLE DANCING 37 weeks into her pregnancy

A mother who continued aerial and pole dancing until week 37 into her pregnancy has claimed the tough workout helped prevent any ‘morning sickness or fatigue’. Breathtaking images show heavily-pregnant Jade Flash, 28, from Birmingham, effortlessly spinning around her pole, while others show her using her strength to hold herself in a sideways split position. Professional … Read more

Birmingham and London top list of 10 cities that residents want to leave post-lockdown

Birmingham and London top list of 10 cities that residents want to leave as lockdown sends home-seekers looking for more green space in the South West and Wales Lockdown has left families feeling imprisoned in their urban homes  32% of Birmingham residents and 30% in London want to move after lockdown Properties for sale with … Read more

Travel bosses urge Boris Johnson to drop blanket restrictions on countries amid row over quarantine

Travel bosses last night urged Boris Johnson to drop blanket restrictions on whole countries as the row over quarantine rules escalated. Amid signs of a major revolt, a coalition of 47 airlines, airports and tourism leaders also called on him to introduce virus tests for those arriving in the UK – warning the industry could … Read more

McDonald’s closes branch in West Midlands after five employees tested positive for coronavirus

McDonald’s closes branch in West Midlands after five employees tested positive for coronavirus Branch in Sandwell near Birmingham temporarily closed after positive cases  McDonald’s said decision made considering recent rise in cases in local area Fast food chain added it is unsure when the branch will reopen to customers By Faith Ridler For Mailonline Published: … Read more