Queen launches Britain’s jab blitz: Vaccine superhubs get ready to inject four people a minute

The Queen and Prince Philip received their Covid-19 vaccinations yesterday – and made the fact public to encourage take-up of the injections which could finally turn the tide against the deadly pandemic. As Boris Johnson announced an ambitious ‘test and jabs’ blitz to combat the virus, Her Majesty, 94, and the Duke of Edinburgh, 99, … Read more

Scientists warn current measures are too ‘lax’ and demand even stricter rules

Experts are calling for an even tougher lockdown after Boris Johnson last night begged families to stay at home, with the Government launching a new campaign blitz to scare people into obeying the rules. Scientists warn the current measures are too ‘lax’ and can’t contain the new coronavirus variant, so are demanding stricter restrictions as … Read more

Prime Minister’s Jaguar could be replaced with a German BMW or Mercedes

Prime Minister’s Jaguar could be replaced with a German BMW or Mercedes after car-maker halted production during the Covid pandemic Jaguar halted production of XJ Sentinel after demand fell during the pandemic PM’s fleet of Jaguars has been depleted by crashes and breakdowns since 2010 This means Mr Johnson may have to resort to German-made … Read more

How Matt Hancock, Michael Gove and Chris Whitty convinced Boris Johnson to close schools

How Matt Hancock, Michael Gove and Chris Whitty convinced Boris to close schools: ‘Bullish’ PM was ‘the last man standing’ until caving to pressure over third national lockdown The Prime Minister faced a stark situation in a ‘dashboard’ meeting on Monday  Boris Johnson went on to describe the data as a ‘bit unclear’ during an interview  … Read more

Boris Johnson begs families to stay home and Chris Whitty appears in TV ad as part of new campaign

Boris Johnson last night begged families to stay at home as the Covid death toll hit a grim new record. He said infections were rising at an alarming rate, despite the lockdown imposed at the start of the week. And he warned the only way to prevent thousands more deaths was to follow the rules. … Read more

Jonathan Van Tam went out for a curry after Boris Johnson told Londoners to avoid restaurants

Jonathan Van Tam went out for a curry on the same day Boris Johnson told Londoners to avoid restaurants due to the Covid risk in March. The deputy chief medical officer for England dined alone, spending £21.77 of taxpayer’s money on his meal at Pakhtoon Restaurant in London on March 16.  Just hours earlier, Boris Johnson … Read more

Nick Jonas steps out for a solo stroll in London after wife Priyanka Chopra’s lockdwn salon visit

Nick Jonas was spotted going for a solo stroll through the streets of London on Thursday, one day after his wife Priyanka Chopra’s controversial hair salon visit. The 28-year-old musician went low-key in a black ensemble that included a thick coat, baseball cap and mask as he walked around the English capital alone. Rounding out … Read more

Couple who met after losing their first spouses marry in an intimate wedding

A couple who met at a bereavement support group tied the knot in an intimate service after he proposed from his hospital bed while battling Covid.  Rosie, 39, and Jonathan Gill-Moss, 43, of West Malling, Kent, exchanged vows in a civil ceremony on Monday evening, just hours before Boris Johnson plunged the nation into lockdown.  … Read more

BBC bombarded with 7,382 complaints over Christmas

The BBC received a record number of complaints over Christmas with 500 viewers angered by the New Year’s Eve fireworks display referencing Black Lives Matter. The broadcaster received a total of 7,382 complaints about shows over the Christmas period, with more than a third of these made about just four programmes. The most controversial programme … Read more