Satellite images show China has built a village with 100 homes in disputed Indian territory

China has built a 100-home village in disputed Indian territory that Beijing claims is theirs amid rising tensions between the two countries.  Satellite images dated 1 November 2020 show a development of 101 homes in the northeastern state of Arunachal Pradesh at a location 2.8 miles inside Indian territory. Images from just over a year … Read more

IAN BIRRELL: It’ll be an unforgivable insult to the dead if the world lets China bury the truth 

It has taken 14 months since a sinister new disease emerged in Wuhan for the global health body responsible for protecting the world to be allowed into the Chinese city to investigate the origins of the pandemic. The belated arrival last week of a team from the World Health Organisation (WHO) follows persistent stonewalling from Beijing … Read more

China ‘promoting flimsy theories that Covid-19 originated outside the country’

China ‘promoting flimsy theories that Covid-19 originated outside the country’ as WHO experts begin their investigation in Wuhan WHO experts begin their investigation in Wuhan into the pandemic’s source State-run media leapt on report that a woman from Milan with symptoms in 2019 Beijing leaders have made repeated attempts to divert blame for the pandemic … Read more

Year-long hunt for Chinese lab researcher thwarted by ‘state cover-up’

A year-long hunt by The Mail on Sunday and Western intelligence officials for a Chinese lab researcher believed to be the world’s first Covid-19 patient has been thwarted by a suspected state cover-up. Huang Yanling, who worked at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, was named as Patient Zero in online reports that were widely shared … Read more

China threatens ‘counterstrike’ after Australia condemns Beijing’s assault on Hong Kong democracy

China has threatened a ‘counterstrike’ against Australia after Canberra condemned Beijing’s mass arrest of 55 politicians and activists in Hong Kong. Foreign Ministry spokesman Lijian Zhao, who has a fake image of an Australian soldier holding a bloody knife to a child’s throat pinned to the top of his Twitter account, said anyone who gets … Read more

More than 4,800 boxes of ice cream are found to be contaminated with Covid in China

More than 4,800 boxes of ice cream are found to be contaminated with Covid in China as anti-epidemic authorities scramble to contact people who could be affected Three samples of locally produced ice cream were found to be contaminated  Health officials in Tianjin municipality are tracing those in contact with boxes 1,662 company employees have been … Read more

COVID-19: Rich people are up to 54 PER CENT more likely to follow social distancing rules

Richest people are 54 PER CENT more likely to follow social distancing rules than those earning £10,000 a year or less, study finds US experts surveyed more than 1,000 adults about their pandemic behaviours The higher your income, the more likely you are to take protective measures These included wearing face masks, social distancing and … Read more

Family of Brit teacher, 56, forced to pay £500 a DAY to keep him fed and washed in Chinese hospital

Family of British teacher, 56, who is being forced to pay £500 a DAY just to keep him fed and washed in Chinese hospital where he caught severe lung infection launch desperate £90,000 funding bid to fly him home EXCLUSIVE: Mark Poole from Burnley moved to China to teach students English But the 56-year-old was … Read more