DOMINIC LAWSON: The EU are paying the price of their incompetence 

One of the attractive aspects of the Dutch character is an insistence on plain speaking. Even so, it was quite something when, after we voted to leave the EU, the Prime Minister of the Netherlands, Mark Rutte, declared that, as a result, ‘England has collapsed politically, monetarily, constitutionally and economically’. Let’s bring things up to … Read more

STEPHEN ROBINSON: Is Commission President Ursula von der Leavin’? 

Her rise to the presidency of the EU Commission was confirmation of the old maxim that you only ascend the heights of Brussels politics after first proving your incompetence at home – and the six years Ursula von der Leyen served as Chancellor Angela Merkel’s defence minister were widely considered a disaster. But yesterday even … Read more

Janet Street-Porter: Boris Johnson’s vaccine strategy has enraged EU

Boris has blundered his way through this crisis – but his decision to invest in four different vaccines, ordering over 200 million doses to protect Brits against Covid-19 was a masterstroke. That inspired strategy won’t cancel out the depressing fact that the UK will probably see up to 150,000 people (we’ve already achieved the highest … Read more