Covid UK: Matt Hancock says law change to protect GPs not necessary

Matt Hancock tonight said there will be no immediate change the law to protect doctors from legal action over Covid-19 treatment decisions made under the pressures of the pandemic. A coalition of health bodies wrote to the Government urging it to update legislation to ensure medical workers do not feel ‘vulnerable to the risk of … Read more

Tory MPs demand Boris Johnson gives ‘road map’ out of lockdown

Boris Johnson today defied fresh demands from Tory MPs for a ‘road map’ out of lockdown today as coronavirus infections tumbled again. The PM is under pressure to say how and when the brutal restrictions in England will ease after the UK recorded another 37,535 cases – down a fifth from last Monday. Although deaths rose … Read more

Covid UK: Boris Johnson criticised amid ‘vaccine postcode lottery’

Boris Johnson is facing a backlash over a ‘postcode lottery’ in vaccinations today as millions of 70-somethings are offered jabs – but only in areas where most older people have already had them. Nearly five million people aged between 70 and 80 are being invited to receive their first dose, with some in Whitehall suggesting … Read more

Dropped the ball again, Matt? Hoodie-wearing Health Secretary plays rugby with his sons

A hoodie-wearing Matt Hancock was spotted playing rugby with his sons in the park yesterday in the second time he was seen outside this weekend following Boris Johnson‘s urgent plea for the public to ‘stay at home’. The Prime Minister released a video on Friday calling on the public to ‘think twice’ before leaving the … Read more

Uber is offering free trips to seven mass-vaccination centres across England

Uber is offering free trips to seven mass-vaccination centres across England to help the most vulnerable receive the Covid-19 jab Uber will cover up to £15 of passengers’ trips to and from the vaccine centres To claim a free ride, passengers must enter a promo code in the Uber app Matt Hancock has described the … Read more

Letters inviting patients to book Covid-19 jab will be sent out to FIVE MILLION Britons from Monday

Over 5million more Britons will be invited to receive a coronavirus jab from today. In a major milestone for the vaccination programme, letters will start being sent to those in England in the next two priority groups. This includes 4.6million in their 70s plus another one million classed as ‘clinically extremely vulnerable’ because they have … Read more

Doctors and nurses fears they could be prosecuted for switching off Covid patients’ life support

Doctors and nurses are calling for protection from ‘inappropriate legal challenges,’ as they fear criminal investigations could follow decisions to withdraw life support while treating Covid-19 patients. Last November Boris Johnson warned health workers could ‘be forced to choose which patients to treat, who would live and who would die,’ should the NHS become overwhelmed … Read more

BOTH Brazilian Covid variants are ‘likely’ already in the UK, expert warns

Both Brazilian Covid variants are ‘likely’ already in the UK, a Sage expert has warned after Boris Johnson declared that all arrivals to the UK will have to have tested negative for coronavirus from Monday. Two variants of interest have been identified in South America; the first has a small number of mutations and eight … Read more

Boris suspends ALL travel corridors from 4am Monday

Boris Johnson today declared that all arrivals to the UK will have to have tested negative for coronavirus from Monday as he begged Britons to ‘stay at home this weekend’. At a Downing Street briefing, the PM warned it was ‘not the time to relax’ as he escalated controls at the country’s borders again. Amid … Read more