Premier League stars hold fears over links to the official Black Lives Matter organisation

Premier League players fearful of links to Black Lives Matter activists as captains consider making a public statement distancing themselves from the UK wing There are concerns over the organisations ideology and political ambitions Sportsmail can reveal the issue has been discussed by several top-flight players A group of captains are considering whether to make … Read more

Coronavirus UK: BAME NHS staff twice as likely to get infected

Healthcare workers from black, Asian and ethnic minority (BAME) backgrounds are twice as likely to catch coronavirus, a study suggests. Researchers swabbed 10,000 NHS staff for the infection and tested their blood for antibodies, which signal if they’ve ever had the disease. Some 14.7 per cent of BAME workers tested positive for the virus, rising … Read more

British military banned from ‘taking the knee’ in solidarity with Black Lives Matter protests

British military are banned from ‘taking the knee’ in solidarity with Black Lives Matter protests after commanders said it was too political Ministry of Defence has stopped British forces personnel from ‘taking the knee’ Commanders worried the show of solidarity with BLM protests is too ‘political’ Defence Secretary Ben Wallace says armed forces should reset … Read more

Black Lives Matter is accused of anti-Semitism after posting photo of controversial mural

Black Lives Matter is accused of anti-Semitism after posting photo of controversial mural on Facebook advertising protest march in Oxford The mural called ‘Freedom of Humanity’ was removed from East London in 2012 It was after concerns from Jewish groups that it contained ‘anti-Semitic tropes’ It was posted by BLM Oxford on Facebook as a … Read more

Yorkshire school’s ex-pupils slam its ‘culture of casual racism’

Former students at a school in North Yorkshire have claimed that a culture of casual racism, sexism, homophobia and bigotry went unchallenged by some members of staff for years. In an open letter, members of Conscious Raising Ryedale, slammed Lady Lumley’s School in Pickering and issued it with a number of anti-bullying recommendations following their own … Read more

Sky Sports pundit Matt Le Tissier says he will ‘review’ wearing a Black Lives Matter badge

Sky Sports pundit Matt Le Tissier says he will ‘review’ whether to carry on wearing a Black Lives Matter badge on TV and will hold talks with his bosses because he does not want to promote a ‘far left ideology’ Matt Le Tissier has spoken to Sky Sports about Black Lives Matter badges The pundit … Read more

Jameela Jamil insists high-profile stars are ‘scared’ to speak out over BLM

Jameela Jamil has claimed there are more high-profile celebrities who are ‘scared’ to speak out on Black Lives Matter out of fear of being ‘cancelled’. The actress and activist, 34, spoke about the movement and those who are fearful to speak out during a Grazia interview with transgender model Munroe Bergdorf. The Good Place star … Read more

Fox News reporter trapped in car by BLM protesters in CHOP zone

An angry mob trapped a Fox News correspondent in his vehicle outside of the CHOP zone in Seattle after a Black Lives Matter member claimed she was shoved by the reporter, can disclose.  The incident occurred just hours and feet from where two black teenagers were shot when they tried to plow through barricades of the … Read more