Leaked tapes reveal CNN burying the Hunter Biden story and saying Cuban-Americans voted for Trump

Recordings of CNN’s daily editorial meeting released by Project Veritas suggest the network avoided reporting the Hunter Biden/Ukraine controversy in the run up to the 2020 presidential election.  In leaked telephone conference calls of the news network’s 9am editorial meetings, senior staff tell CNN boss Jeff Zucker that the network should downplay the bombshell story.  Zucker also tells … Read more

CNN reporter admonished repeatedly by Trump took humiliating picture of president behind tiny desk

Donald Trump has been left humiliated by a photo of him at a tiny desk inside the White House, which went viral after it was tweeted by a reporter working for his arch-enemy, CNN. The photo was taken by Kaitlan Collins, White House correspondent for the network and long-time sparring partner of the Trump team, … Read more

Facebook staff want to keep news censorship measures – even if it makes the platform more boring 

Facebook staff want to keep in place news censorship measures that were brought in to stop the spread of ‘misinformation’ following the US election – even if it makes the social network less engaging, the New York Times reports. In the immediate aftermath of the contested US election, Facebook implemented a change to its news … Read more

US Election 2020: 21 Republican Senators have ‘contempt’ for Trump

1. Mitt Romney Romney, a senator for Utah, is a well-known Trump critic who was the only Republican senator to vote in favor of impeaching the President when it came before the senate last year. Speaking after the election, Romney confirmed that he did not vote for Trump and has ripped Trump’s attempts to overturn … Read more

Watergate reporter Carl Bernstein lists 21 GOP senators

Watergate reporter Carl Bernstein has listed 21 Republican senators who he says have ‘privately expressed’ their ‘extreme contempt’ for Donald Trump.  Bernstein called out Trump in a series of tweets on Sunday and named the 21 GOP senators who have expressed disdain for ‘his fitness to be President of the United States’.  ‘Many if not … Read more

US Election: Georgia recount almost complete, Biden victory likely

Georgia election officials are expected to complete their hand-count of the election results by Wednesday, after disparities uncovered so far are not expected to make a difference in the race. The state’s voting systems implementation manager said Tuesday only 300,000 ballots are yet to be recounted, CNN reported. Most of the recounted results have been … Read more

South Dakota nurse says COVID-19 patients insist the virus isn’t real even as they’re dying from it

A South Dakota nurse who cares for COVID-19 patients says one of the hardest parts of her job is convincing a number of those who are critically ill that the deadly virus is actually real. After sharing a thread of her experiences to Twitter over the weekend, nurse Jodi Doering appeared on CNN’s New Day … Read more

Deputy chief of staff to the secretary of defense has resigned amid Pentagon purge

BREAKING NEWS: Deputy chief of staff to the secretary of defense has resigned amid Pentagon purge Deputy Chief of Staff to the Secretary of Defense Alexis Ross has resigned, a US defense official told CNN Thursday Chief of Staff Jen Stewart had already submitted her resignation Tuesday    Donald Trump fired Defense Secretary Mark Esper in … Read more

Obama admits to smoking in new memoir and says he stopped when Malia caught him

Barack Obama reveals some behind the scenes glimpses of his life in the White House in his forthcoming memoir, including problems in his marriage and how the stress of the job increased his smoking habit.  The 768-page tome, entitled ‘A Promised Land’ and out on November 17, focuses on Obama’s early political career through is … Read more

Covid spread is ‘accelerating,’ White House task force warns

The White House coronavirus task force sent a warning to U.S. states that the spread of coronavirus is ‘accelerating’ in much of the nation, according to documents sent to states Tuesday, obtained by CNN.  ‘There is continued, accelerating community spread across the top half of the country, where temperatures have cooled and Americans have moved … Read more