Frenchman, 43, reveals he is the ‘patient zero’ who had coronavirus last December

A 43-year-old Frenchman has revealed himself as the country’s potential ‘patient zero’ who was infected with coronavirus last December. Amirouche Hammar came forward after a hospital near Paris revealed it had re-tested old flu samples and found a positive test for coronavirus on December 27.  The result suggests that the virus was spreading in France … Read more

France saw first coronavirus patient in DECEMBER, doctor claims after examining samples

A French doctor claimed the country saw its first coronavirus patient in December, weeks before its first officially recorded case.   Dr Yves Cohen, head of resuscitation at several hospitals in Ile-de-France, Paris, said new patient sample testing has confirmed the virus was in France just after Christmas.  His team revisited negative tests for coronavirus and … Read more

As nice as Nice! Britain set to be as hot as south of France as nation marks 75th VE Day

As nice as Nice! Britain set to be as hot as south of France as nation marks 75th VE Day anniversary with temperatures hitting 70F on Friday’s bank holiday The mercury could reach 21C (70F) on Thursday and Friday in south-east England and north Wales  The high pressure should begin to dominate ­Britain’s weather from … Read more

Brussels trade talks will collapse within weeks unless EU nations ‘get real’ about Britain’s stance

Trade talks with Brussels will collapse within weeks unless EU nations ‘get real’ about Britain’s stance, warns UK Britain urges EU nations to adopt a more realistic approach to the negotiations The UK want Brussels to have more one-on-one talks with the UK lead negotiator  Michel Barnier, the EU lead negotiator, still wants to do … Read more

Elderly woman waves a flag from a balcony in Paris to show her support for medical staff

Parisians have showed their support for medical staff by waving the French tricolour flag from their balconies as France‘s coronavirus death toll rose by just 166 to 24,760. Stunning images from Saint Mande, a commune of Paris, were taken during the claps for carers that happens every night at 8pm in the country. Hospitalisations for Covid-19 and people … Read more

European leaders pledge to raise more than £6billion to help find a vaccine for coronavirus

European leaders have pledged to raise billions of pounds to help find a vaccine and treatments for Covid-19 as part of an ‘international alliance’ fighting the disease. An online pledging conference due to be held on Monday will aim to pull in 7.5billion euro (£6.6billion) in funding to support the global response to the coronavirus … Read more

Coronavirus: Hydroxychloroquine may trigger heart arrhythmia

Doctors are cautioning that using hydroxychloroquine to treat coronavirus may be dangerous after more than 90 percent of COVID-19 patients in two studies of the drug developed signs of dangerous heart arrhythmias.  If heart rhythms remain irregular for too long, it can trigger heart attack and stroke.  Heart arrhythmias are a known and potentially life-threatening … Read more

Border Force officers in France seize £20million worth of cocaine

Border Force in France seize £20million worth of cocaine within plywood boxes in a lorry carrying consignment of car parts to Britain The haul, which had a potential street value of around £20 million, was discovered within a number of plywood boxes in a lorry  Border Force officers use hi-tech search equipment to combat immigration … Read more

Premier League meeting: Clubs remain committed to finishing season

A four-hour Premier League meeting to decide how football can return amid the coronavirus pandemic held today has ended with clubs reaffirming their commitment to finishing the current campaign.  According to the Sun, it was also agreed during the meeting that matches, when they are able to take place, will be held in neutral grounds … Read more