SNP tells Boris Johnson he’ll need to take LEGAL action if he wants to stop second independence vote

SNP vows to UNILATERALLY hold a second Scottish independence referendum if Sturgeon wins May election – and challenges Boris to take legal action to stop it  Mike Russell will present 11-point document to the SNP’s policy forum on Sunday ‘Legal referendum’ will be held if a pro-independence majority is voted in in May UK Government … Read more

PHE chief admits it’s not ‘absolutely clear’ if Kent strain is more deadly

The medical director at Public Health England has said it is not ‘absolutely clear’ if a UK variant of the coronavirus is more deadly amid concerns over a ‘scaremongering’ Downing Street press conference. Dr Yvonne Doyle said more work was needed to determine whether the Kent strain was more likely to take people’s lives. It comes … Read more

Covid UK: South African strain ‘may make vaccine 50% less effective’

The mutant South African coronavirus variant may make the current crop of vaccines 50 per cent less effective, Matt Hancock has sensationally claimed. In footage obtained by MailOnline, the Health Secretary warned allowing the variant to become the dominant strain in the UK could ruin Britain’s vaccination drive and send the country ‘back to square … Read more

No10 slaps down Tory calls for ‘road map’ out of lockdown

No10 slapped down Tory calls for a ‘road map’ out of lockdown today despite the R number dropping below the critical level of one and figures showing cases have halved in a fortnight. Downing Street defied mounting anger from MPs and more evidence of the outbreak has peaked, warning the NHS is still under huge … Read more

Boris Johnson to give Covid briefing amid lockdown exit plan demands

Boris Johnson will lead a No10 briefing tonight as he faces the wrath of Tories demanding a ‘road map’ for lifting Covid lockdown from March. The PM is to hold a press conference from Downing Street at 5pm amid mounting anxiety about how long the country will be under draconian curbs. On a visit to flood-hit Manchester … Read more

Britain dishes out a record 366,919 Covid jabs – 200 a MINUTE

Britain’s vaccine roll out has hit the rate of 200 jabs a minute, putting the Government on track to hit its target of inoculating 13.9million people by mid-February as a record 366,919 coronavirus vaccine doses were dishout out yesterday. The UK’s huge vaccination drive, which has rallied after a slowdown over the weekend, has now … Read more

Covid UK: Scientists at war over accuracy of lateral flow tests

Government scientists mounted a furious attack on critics of lateral flow tests today, accusing them of being ‘prejudiced’ and insisting the 15-checks were reliable.  Dr Susan Hopkins, the chief medical adviser for NHS Test and Trace, and Sage‘s Professor Calum Semple were among 14 senior figures who lashed out at academics who have cast doubt on the … Read more

Hospitals ignoring dose-spacing ‘could lose Covid vaccine licence’

A great-grandmother who had her first Covid vaccine a month ago has now caught the virus – as medics warned the controversial decision to space the two doses two weeks apart is risking lives.   Eileen Davies, 82, contracted the virus after trying to help her neighbour who had just been sent home from hospital after … Read more

Covid UK: Another 65 vaccine centres opened to speed up rollout

A mosque in Birmingham today started dishing out coronavirus vaccinations amid fears the uptake is too low in BAME groups. Another 60 pharmacy-led sites — including a cinema — also opened their doors to turbo-charge the rollout, as ministers race to meet their deadline of inoculating the 14million most vulnerable people by mid-February. The expansion also … Read more

Covid UK: Government only has to OFFER 13.9m vaccine to hit target

Government only needs to OFFER 13.9million people COVID vaccine to hit its target by mid-February as it admits it ‘can’t force’ older people who want to pass their life-saving jab onto others Government has set target of vaccinating 13.9million most vulnerable by Feb 15 But sources say it only needs to offer the jab and … Read more