US admiral warns China has aims to invade Taiwan within 6 years and take global leadership role

A U.S. admiral has warned that China aims to invade Taiwan within the next six years ahead of the Biden administration first meeting with the country’s officials in Alaska next week.  U.S. Navy Admiral Philip S. Davidson, commander of the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, also told the Senate Armed Services Committee of fears among the U.S. … Read more

Covid: Blood test developed in London may find patients at high risk of dying

Scientists have developed a blood test that can spot people at high risk of getting critically ill or dying of Covid. Imperial College London experts say they have made a test that can detect proteins which appears directly linked to the risk of death or severe illness. The protein, named GM-CSF, is thought to be … Read more

EU concedes the UK did NOT ban vaccine exports after Boris Johnson slapped down EU president

The EU has conceded the UK did not ban vaccine exports after Boris Johnson slapped down the European Council’s president in a fresh row over Covid jabs.  The Prime Minister spoke out after Charles Michel on Tuesday made the astonishing claim that the UK had ‘imposed an outright ban on the export of vaccines.’  ‘Let … Read more

Researchers uncover the previously unknown identities of prisoners at Auschwitz

The identities and histories of prisoners in Nazi Germany‘s most notorious death camp Auschwitz have been uncovered following two years of painstaking research. Historians, archivists and IT specialists at the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum in Poland and the Arolsen Archives in Germany teamed up for the project. They searched though over 160,000 documents concerning the fate … Read more

Covid vaccines have not caused ANY serious side effects in teenagers in Israel

Covid vaccines have not caused ANY serious side effects in teenagers in Israel, officials say amid world-first child vaccination programme Israel has vaccinated 600 teenagers with none suffering severe side effects Country will roll out jabs to children once adults have had both doses in April Pfizer is currently conducting its own vaccine study on … Read more

Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe: Boris Johnson demands Iran’s ‘immediate release’ of charity worker

Boris Johnson demands ‘immediate release’ of Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe during phone call with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani as PM says her ‘continued confinement remains completely unacceptable’ PM Boris Johnson spoke to Iranian President Hassan Rouhani this afternoon  Mr Johnson demanded the ‘immediate release’ of Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe The PM said her ‘continued confinement remains completely unacceptable’  By … Read more

Michelle Obama reveals she’s had COVID-19 vaccine

Michelle Obama has revealed she’s had the COVID-19 vaccine and is thinking about retiring from public life.   The former First Lady, in a wide-ranging interview with PEOPLE on Wednesday, also opened up on her pandemic year, saying George Floyd‘s death was a lot to take on during quarantine and that Donald Trump‘s defeat means … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Downing Street unveils dramatic trailer for vaccines documentary

The Government has unveiled a dramatic trailer for an official documentary about Britain’s Covid-19 vaccine rollout, called: ‘A Beacon of Hope: The UK Vaccine Story’. Set to intense music, the 50-second advert features clips from interviews with leading UK scientists Jonathan Van-Tam, Sir Patrick Vallance and Chris Whitty. Mr Van-Tam described Britain as having been … Read more

London man attacked by crazed seagull

Crazed seagulls repeatedly dive-bomb cowering man as he zigzags across street in failed bid to escape them An unidentified man has been attacked by a crazed seagull in a London street The victim was dive-bombed by the bird without any advanced warning  Experts believe the seagulls may have a nest nearby and were protecting eggs … Read more