Kent coronavirus variant may be deadlier because it multiplies faster in the lungs, SAGE says

The Kent coronavirus variant may be deadlier than the original strain because it multiplies faster inside the lungs, SAGE scientists warned today. Britain’s Covid fight was dealt another blow on Friday when Boris Johnson revealed the new variant was about 30 per cent more lethal than the virus which first came out of China.  It … Read more

Police warn anyone planning to protest outside court over statue row risk large Covid fines

Police warn anyone planning to protest at court appearance of four people accused of pulling down slave trader Edward Colston’s statue in Bristol they risk large Covid fines Police issue warning to those planning to protest outside court over statue row They fear that protesters will gather outside court in breach of Covid-19 rules  Bronze … Read more

Is Kent Covid variant REALLY deadlier? Confusion mounts as studies differ

There was confusion tonight about how deadly the Kent coronavirus variant really is after 10 SAGE studies came to wildly different conclusions about its lethality and the World Health Organization said it still hadn’t seen any convincing data. Boris Johnson and his science chiefs tonight made the shocking claim that the strain — called B.1.1.7 — … Read more

Cafes and bars could see 3.2m jobs axed because of latest lockdown… as museums fight for survival

Hospitality chiefs issued a dire warning about the future of many businesses last night after doctors advised that the reopening of pubs and restaurants should be pushed back to May. Industry leaders said that just one in five restaurants, pubs and bars had enough cash to get through beyond March. It came after Sage scientists who … Read more

Covid UK: Scientists at war over accuracy of lateral flow tests

Government scientists mounted a furious attack on critics of lateral flow tests today, accusing them of being ‘prejudiced’ and insisting the 15-checks were reliable.  Dr Susan Hopkins, the chief medical adviser for NHS Test and Trace, and Sage‘s Professor Calum Semple were among 14 senior figures who lashed out at academics who have cast doubt on the … Read more

Mutant ‘Kent strain’ of coronavirus has been in the US since November 6

The highly-infectious coronavirus variant B.1.1.7 which emerged in Kent in September 2020 had reached the US by November 6, new research shows. It is thought to have mutated inside a single patient in England struggling with a critical case of Covid-19 which forced the virus to adapt, changing its genetic code.  University of Arizona researchers … Read more

Covid jab will provoke public to ignore rules: SAGE scientists warn

Millions of people could start to ignore Covid restrictions once they have been vaccinated, ministers have been warned, as police revealed they are issuing increasing numbers of fines for egregious breaches of lockdown rules. Government scientists have warmed Boris Johnson that many will ‘probably abandon’ social distancing and lockdown rules once they have received the … Read more

SAGE blames ‘institutional racism’ as study shows 72% of black Britons are ‘unlikely’ to get vaccine

SAGE has blamed ‘structural and institutional racism and discrimination’ for vaccine scepticism among BAME communities as a recent survey found 72 per cent of black people were unlikely to have the Covid jab. A report from the Government’s scientific advisory committee said historical issues of unethical healthcare research and systemic racism are key factors for … Read more

England’s Covid vaccine postcode lottery: Midlands has vaccinated the most people

British officials must try harder to get Covid vaccines to ethnic minority people because more than half of black people could turn them down, SAGE has warned. In a paper published today by the Government Office for Science, scientists told ministers that vaccine uptake in the past has been lower in non-white communities. And they … Read more

Why DO experts say the outbreak is slowing if the death toll is continuing to soar?

Prominent SAGE scientists claimed today Britain’s winter coronavirus wave is flattening after cases fell for four days straight — despite the country recording its worst death toll ever on Wednesday. Another 1,564 more Covid fatalities were announced yesterday across the UK in the deadliest day since the pandemic began, with the total number of laboratory-confirmed victims … Read more