Covid lockdown England: Tearful Laurence Fox slams schools closure

‘I don’t think our children deserve this’: Tearful Laurence Fox brands government ‘a disgrace’ for shutting schools and likens it to giving a child’s liver to a pensioner Laurence Fox, 42, broke down in tears as he spoke of the challenge facing kids He has spoken out against lockdown before said children did not deserve … Read more

Covid UK: Boris Johnson promises 200k vaccinations a day by FRIDAY

Boris Johnson today announced he is bringing in the Army to bolster the UK’s coronavirus vaccination drive and claimed the NHS will be able to give 200,000 jabs every day by next Friday as part of ambitious lockdown-ending plans.   With the roll-out of vaccines the only light at the end of the tunnel, the Prime … Read more

Covid England: Matt Hancock says vaccines mean this is last lockdown

Matt Hancock today insisted vaccines will mean this is the last national lockdown as he set out four criteria for lifting restrictions. The Health Secretary tried to strike an optimistic tone as he faced questions over the delay in bringing in the brutal curbs to control the mutant Covid strain as he gave evidence to MPs … Read more

Science: UK labs get £213 million government investment to help tackle infectious diseases and more

Labs across the UK are to be upgraded to help tackle infectious diseases, cut greenhouse emissions and more — thanks to a £213 million government investment. The support — part of the British government‘s wider ‘Research & Development Roadmap’ — was announced yesterday by Science Minister Amanda Solloway. It will give British scientists access to facilities including … Read more

Covid lockdown OFFICIAL: Boris Johnson sees off small Tory rebellion

Boris Johnson saw off his Tory critics tonight as MPs voted the latest strict lockdown measures into law. The Prime Minister saw off a small rebellion by backbenchers who accused him of launching an ‘assault on liberty and livelihoods’ as they warned lockdown will inevitably cause some people to ‘break’.  But with Labour vowing to … Read more

UK tourists may be stranded abroad if test-to-fly rule introduced

Thousands of Britons fear being trapped around the globe by the looming threat of a 72-hour test-to-fly rule coming in – as those jetting in today spoke of their disbelief at no regulations yet being in place.  Boris Johnson and his government were accused of ‘dithering in a crisis’ after announcing the regulations, but then … Read more

Covid UK: Keir Starmer calls for ’round the clock’ vaccine scheme

Sir Keir Starmer has urged the Government to use the third national lockdown in England to create a ’round-the-clock’ vaccination scheme in order to end ‘this nightmare’. In a televised response to Boris Johnson‘s statement, the Labour leader reiterated that his party supports the new measures being imposed and would back them in a Commons … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Government data suggests super strain cases falling

Cases of the new super-infectious variant of coronavirus started to level off and even drop in London, the East and South East over the Christmas school holiday. Graphs presented at a Downing Street news conference tonight showed the proportion of positive tests caused by the new variant appeared to fall across the capital and the … Read more

GCSE and A Level exams CANCELLED, Gavin Williamson confirms

GCSE and A-Level exams in England have been cancelled, the Department for Education confirmed tonight. A statement said it recognised it was ‘an anxious time for students’ working towards their tests. It added ministers and Ofqual are working to find a way to award grades that ‘reflects the hard work’ of pupils nationwide. The move … Read more

Covid England: Chris Whitty says lockdowns may happen NEXT WINTER

Britain may have to endure coronavirus restrictions next Christmas because coronavirus ‘benefits’ from cooler months, Chris Whitty has suggested Britain may have to endure coronavirus restrictions next winter because coronavirus ‘benefits’ from cooler months, Chris Whitty has suggested.  Offical for National Statistics figures show an estimated 1.1 million people in private households in England had Covid-19 … Read more